Monday, May 19, 2008

I don't know about that

"I don't know about that" I declared,"besides I think I'm coming up with the chicken pox" I lied.It was my brother Mobillion he does not have one single phobia and no allergies.I was in bed convinced I would not look for the golden banana .So who cares all I will get is a million dollars a lifetime supply of bananas,and the banana in the most famous monkseum in the world!Okay I admit those are good no great no SPECTACULARLY AMAZING prizes but I mean some of those obstacles are pretty harsh I'm talking life for death situations but all Mobillion answered was "come on it will be an adventure" yeah it sure will be I thought I hate when my brother says "come on it will be an adventure" that means I'm going no matter what.
"well alright." I said if I was going to go I did not want to waste time so I got my suitcase put in my clock binoculars ETC...I am going to regret this I thought.


Mom in Mendon said...

Great writing, Ralph. What a fine "author" you are!
Love, Grandma M.

Miles, Owen And Phoebe said...
